Qualifications & Examinations

Qualifications & Examinations

With support from families and the staff team, we help learners decide on which qualifications they can achieve and what they require for their next phase/Post-16 options.

GCSE Courses

Our GCSE programme provides a fantastic educational pathway that all KS4 learners have the opportunity to access.

The AQA GCSE in Mathematics provides a broad and coherent course of study. It encourages learners to develop confidence in, and a positive attitude towards, mathematics and to recognise the importance of mathematics in their own lives and to society. This specification enables learners to:

  • develop fluent knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts;
  • acquire, select and apply mathematical techniques to solve problems;
  • reason mathematically, make deductions and inferences and draw conclusions; and
  • comprehend, interpret and communicate mathematical information in a variety of forms appropriate to the information and context.

Assessment consists of three examinations, one non-calculator paper and two calculator papers.

The AQA English Language GCSE provides a specification designed to be highly accessible, broad and interesting.

Learners develop their ability to read critically, write effectively and coherently, use grammar correctly and expand their vocabulary.

Assessment for GCSE English Language consists of two written examinations, within which spelling, punctuation and grammar make up 20%. Speaking skills are also assessed, but do not contribute to the overall grade.

Assessment for GCSE English Literature consists of two written papers. Paper 1 is Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel, and Paper 2 is Modern Texts and Poetry.

We also offer GCSEs in Biology, Physics, Geography and Art & Design. In addition to this, learners have the opportunity to take a one year BTEC course in Home Cooking Skills.

Examination Data

2023-2024 GCSE Pass Rate (1-9)

Mathematics - 100%
English Language - 100%
English Literature - 100%
Art & Design - 100%
Geography - 100%
Computer Science - 100%
Biology - 100%
Chemistry - 100%
Physics - 66%

2023 - 2024 GCSE Pass Rate (4-9)

Mathematics - 66%
English Language - 33%
English Literature - 33%
Art & Design - 50%
Geography - 33%
Computer Science - 100%
Biology - 33%
Chemistry - 100%

Functional Skills

2023 - 2024 Functional Skills

English Level 1 - 100%

Those learners not participating in GCSE courses in KS4, are able to pursue Functional Skills qualifications in English

Functional Skills English qualifications enable learners to develop confidence and fluency in, and a positive attitude towards English. Learners will be able to competently use English in the real world and gain a sound grasp of basic English knowledge and skills. They also help learners progress into further education and develop skills for everyday life.

BTEC Pass Rate

BTEC Specialist qualifications are work-related qualifications available from Entry to Level 3. These qualifications put learning into the context of the world of work, giving learners the opportunity to apply their research, skills and knowledge in relevant and realistic work contexts. This applied, practical approach means learners build the knowledge, understanding and skills they need for career progression or further study.  We currently offer Home Cooking skills.

We also offer the Unit Award Scheme (UAS) which allows all learners to engage with learning and have their achievements formally recognised.  Learners are rewarded with a certificate each time they successfully complete a unit of learning. They can build up a portfolio of certificates to evidence their skills, knowledge and experience.  The scheme boosts confidence, increases engagement and improves motivation, helping learners to make progress on their lifelong learning journey.

Home Cooking Skills (Level 2) - 100%